(Seattle Kraken)
After adding the long awaited Seattle franchise the NHL should start looking for more areas to expand to, so I've made a list of the cities that deserve an NHL team the most.
8. San Diego, California, USA
San Diego lost the Chargers to LA, now they only have the Padres but what if we add a NHL team.
Name Ideas: Chargers, Fury and Flames
Division: Pacific
7. Portland, Oregon, USA
Portland is a great city for most thing now Sports isn't high on that list, so add an NHL team and maybe they'll get better.
Name Ideas: Lumberjacks, Pines and Pioneers
Division: Pacific
6. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Atlanta have had two failed NHL franchises, third time's a charm.
Name Ideas: Aces, Warriors and Blades
Division: Metropolitan
5. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hamilton used to have the Hamilton Tigers also they have a Hockey loving city.
Name Ideas: Wildcats, Thunder and Dragons
Division: Atlantic
4. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City is a great city and I think they deserve a NHL team.
Name Ideas: Thunder , Eagles and Rebels
Division: Central
3. Kansas City, Missouri, USA
They have the Royals and the Chiefs, its a great city and they should also have an NHL team.
Name Ideas: Warriors, Wildcats and Lions
Division: Central
2. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee is already a great market and Wisconsin is a hockey state add a team and they'll cherish it forever.
Name Ideas: Admirals, Beers and Cruisers
Division: Atlantic
1. Quebec City, Quebec
Name Ideas: Lynx, Huskies and Nordiques
Division: Metropolitan